
A construction company ‘living without the law’? The government with its sword drawn due to the spread of wage arrears, even punishment with a soft bat is ‘deceptive’

A construction company ‘living without the law’? The government with its sword drawn due to the spread of wage arrears, even punishment with a soft bat is ‘deceptive’

Government checks on non-payment of wages, construction sites “only now” Despite repeated violations of the law, the punishment is ‘a soft bat’, and the government’s responsibility is boiling over Concerns over small and medium-sized construction company ‘Domino’: “Due to the lukewarm response and the formation of an abnormal structure” Ahead of the Lunar New Year…

The ‘actual residence obligation’, which is destined to be abolished, is only ‘active’ for prospective residents of Dunchon Jugong

The ‘actual residence obligation’, which is destined to be abolished, is only ‘active’ for prospective residents of Dunchon Jugong

The so-called Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee meeting was canceled due to opposition from the Democratic Party The end of the 21st National Assembly session is just around the corner, but the housing law amendment bill has been blown away The Dunchon Jugong move-in period has been pushed back to November, and the fallout is…

“Significant relaxation of real estate regulations,” even tax reduction for the first purchase of local ‘unsold after completion’ homes and ‘elimination of heavy taxation for multiple homeowners’

“Significant relaxation of real estate regulations,” even tax reduction for the first purchase of local ‘unsold after completion’ homes and ‘elimination of heavy taxation for multiple homeowners’

When purchasing an unsold local house for the first time, it is excluded from the number of houses when calculating tax As of November last year, 11% of all unsold homes are expected to receive benefits ‘Abolition of heavy taxation for multiple homeowners’ is also being promoted to promote recovery in real estate and the…

The reason why the National Pension Service, which was said to have recorded the highest rate of return last year, is nothing more than Sam Cho’s company

The reason why the National Pension Service, which was said to have recorded the highest rate of return last year, is nothing more than Sam Cho’s company

National Pension Service earned 100 trillion won last year, the ‘highest ever’, in contrast to 2022, which was the ‘worst ever’ The reality is disastrous, ’22~’23 real rate of return 1%, KOSPI growth rate below “Now we have to admit incompetence.” There is also a need to actively consider consignment management of pension funds, which…

The employment rate graph is sloping upward, but the youth are on the verge of ‘failure’

The employment rate graph is sloping upward, but the youth are on the verge of ‘failure’

Employment rate is ‘highest ever’, number of elderly employed increases significantly With the economy shrinking, the number of young people and those in their 40s employed is on the decline Employment rate driven by the elderly and women, “Isn’t it actually an ‘imaginary number’?” Last year, the annual number of employed people increased by more…

Where have all the tourists gone, the ‘now’ of the Asian tourism market?

Where have all the tourists gone, the ‘now’ of the Asian tourism market?

Demand for Chinese tourists dries up, Korea’s travel balance deficit grows Asian countries bring out ‘visa-free entry’ cards to attract Chinese tourists Japan’s tourism demand surges due to the low yen effect, a tectonic shift in the Asian tourism industry While overall demand for Korean travel by overseas tourists has frozen, the travel balance deficit…

“Sharing LTV information between banks constitutes tacit ‘collusion,’” and the Fair Trade Commission begins sanctions procedures against the four major banks

“Sharing LTV information between banks constitutes tacit ‘collusion,’” and the Fair Trade Commission begins sanctions procedures against the four major banks

Fair Trade Commission points out “receiving unfair profits by sharing information on collateral items” If the charges are acknowledged, a fine of hundreds of billions of won is expected. “At the risk management level, collusion is overinterpreted” The Fair Trade Commission has begun sanctions procedures after the four major domestic commercial banks, including KB Kookmin,…

Korea Electric Power Corporation considering ‘increasing electric vehicle charging fees’ due to increase in debt ratio

Korea Electric Power Corporation considering ‘increasing electric vehicle charging fees’ due to increase in debt ratio

KEPCO launches ‘research service’ to find ways to maximize profits We plan to thoroughly analyze costs and derive optimal charging rates considering profitability Recently, automakers are ‘in tears’ due to low sales due to slowing demand in the electric vehicle market Korea Electric Power Corporation has begun work on revising electric vehicle charging rates. This…

“They say it’s the golden age of N-jobbers,” 2,000 office workers earning more than 60 million won a year in ‘secondary income’ in addition to their salary ↑

“They say it’s the golden age of N-jobbers,” 2,000 office workers earning more than 60 million won a year in ‘secondary income’ in addition to their salary ↑

607,226 office workers earning more than 20 million won per year, including interest, dividends, and rental income There are more than 4,000 office workers earning more than 56 million won in extra income every month High-income office workers pay additional ‘monthly income insurance premium’ separately from the health insurance premium calculated on their monthly salary…

Despite the government’s move to “relax various regulations related to reconstruction and redevelopment,” the market is ‘frozen’

Despite the government’s move to “relax various regulations related to reconstruction and redevelopment,” the market is ‘frozen’

尹 “Reexamination of maintenance project procedures from the beginning” Expected relaxation of safety diagnosis standards for reconstruction, etc. Union members who are faced with a double burden ‘just sigh’ The government is considering ways to ease various regulations related to maintenance projects such as redevelopment and reconstruction. While measures such as easing safety inspections that…

China, amid widespread economic recession crisis, is even facing the problem of oversupply of ‘elementary and middle school teachers’

China, amid widespread economic recession crisis, is even facing the problem of oversupply of ‘elementary and middle school teachers’

By 2035, 150 million elementary school teachers and 37 middle school teachers will be reduced to ‘surplus’ Chinese authorities try to ‘control the supply and demand of teachers’ by not allowing the establishment of new departments of education The economic situation, with growing concerns about recession, is accelerating the decline in the school-age population It…

The government is trying to build my data infrastructure, but business model construction is still ‘slow’

The government is trying to build my data infrastructure, but business model construction is still ‘slow’

“We will spread My Data and improve system acceptance by increasing its utility” ‘Advertising’ is a business model?, ‘two sides’ of My Data, which is biased towards advertising Even if the passage is opened, the reality is ‘zero’, “We must first lay the foundation for value proposition competition” The government has begun full-scale preparations by…

Due to the decline in births, the first 6 new elementary school students in Seoul fell, “We must correct the failed low birth rate policy”

Due to the decline in births, the first 6 new elementary school students in Seoul fell, “We must correct the failed low birth rate policy”

The number of public, public, and private elementary school students in Seoul decreased by more than 10% compared to 30 years ago The number of elementary school students nationwide is expected to decrease to 30 The root cause is the failure of the low birth rate policy that fell into welfare populism The number of…

“It is difficult to have even one child, so ‘multiple children’ is absurd”, the need for a phased support policy to encourage childbirth↑

“It is difficult to have even one child, so ‘multiple children’ is absurd”, the need for a phased support policy to encourage childbirth↑

Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements ‘Diagnosis of causes of low birth rate and policy direction’ report “Establishing active policies to ease the housing burden is the first step.” There is a growing need for effective public education strengthening measures Opinions were presented that housing supply should be expanded and acquisition opportunities expanded, such as…

중국의 노골적인 한국 인재 사냥, 특허청 나서 기술 보호한다

중국의 노골적인 한국 인재 사냥, 특허청 나서 기술 보호한다

국정원 ‘방첩업무 규정 개정안’ 입법예고, 특허청도 방첩기관에 포함 “기술 유출 막아라”, 기술력 확보 위해 수단 방법 가리지 않는 중국 “인재들이 일하고 싶은 환경 만드는 것이 근본적 해결법”, 처우 개선 시급 특허청이 국익에 반하는 해외의 정보활동을 차단하는 방첩 업무를 수행할 전망이다. 최근 대내외적으로 반도체나 배터리 등 국가 핵심 산업기술을 둘러싼 유출 시도가 심각해진 데 따른 것이다….

“삶보다 죽음 택하는 청년들” 10대~20대 자해·자살 시도 급증

“삶보다 죽음 택하는 청년들” 10대~20대 자해·자살 시도 급증

최근 5년 새 20대 청년 자해·자살 시도 50% 가까이 증가 자해·자살 시도가 실제 ‘자살’로 이어질 가능성 높아 체계적 관리 필요 복지부, 2013년부터 응급실 기반 자살시도자 사후관리사업 시행 중 2022년에도 자해·자살 시도로 응급실에 방문한 이들이 4만 명을 넘어선 것으로 집계됐다. 특히 이 가운데 10대~20대가 절반가량 차지하면서 청년 자살 문제가 심각한 사회적 문제로 조명받고 있다. 취업난, 생활고…

‘민생경제 회복에 사활’ 당정, 임시투자세액공제 연장으로 내수 활성화 나선다

‘민생경제 회복에 사활’ 당정, 임시투자세액공제 연장으로 내수 활성화 나선다

임시투자세액공제 1년 연장실효성·효과 관련 의견 분분“최소 2~3년 안착 기간 필요” 국민의힘과 정부가 지난해 12월 종료된 설비 투자에 대한 임시투자세액공제를 올해 말까지 1년 더 연장하기로 했다. 수출 중심으로 경제 회복세가 확대하고 있는 만큼 기업의 국내 투자를 적극 장려하겠다는 취지다. 당정은 이와 함께 올해 1분기 중 영세소상공인에 대해 20만원의 전기료 감면을 지원할 방침이다. “수출 중심 경제 회복,…

일본 ‘반도체 장비 공장’ 밀집지 이시카와현, 혼슈 지진에 ‘휘청’

일본 ‘반도체 장비 공장’ 밀집지 이시카와현, 혼슈 지진에 ‘휘청’

혼슈 지진 ‘직격탄’ 맞은 이시카와, 日 반도체 기업 대거 휩쓸렸다 인근 지역에 반도체·디스플레이 등 주요 반도체 공장 다수 위치 동일본 대지진의 공포 이어질까, 일본 의존도 높은 韓 ‘긴장’ 규모 7.6의 강진이 일본 혼슈 서부 해안을 휩쓴 가운데, 국내 산업계가 반도체 공급망 장애에 대한 불안감을 드러내고 있다. 지진의 진앙인 이시카와현에 다양한 소재·부품·장비 업체가 밀집돼 있기 때문이다….

심각한 저출생 문제, 올해 초등 신입생 수 사상 첫 40만 명대 붕괴

심각한 저출생 문제, 올해 초등 신입생 수 사상 첫 40만 명대 붕괴

가시화된 저출생 여파, 2년 뒤엔 초등 신입생 20만 명대로 추락할 것 출생아 수도 급격히 하락 중, 지난해 역대 최저치인 23만 명 기록 학령인구 절벽으로 지방뿐 아니라 수도권에서도 학교 통·폐합 바람 거세 저출생 문제가 갈수록 심각해지는 가운데 올해 초등학교에 입학하는 학생 수가 사상 처음으로 30만 명대를 기록할 전망이다. 신입생이 아예 0명인 소규모 학교도 점점 늘어나고 있어…