
Basic research has been pushed aside by the R&D budget, where will future power be found?

Basic research has been pushed aside by the R&D budget, where will future power be found?

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announces intensive support plan for high-risk, next-generation, and large-scale projects Budgets concentrated in specific fields and basic research support projects will be abolished. There is no innovation without basic research. A plan is needed to secure future growth engines. The one-shot policy of government research and development (R&D) projects…

Has ‘TIPS’, the startup staircase, collapsed? Last year’s unpaid support amount reduced by 20%

Has ‘TIPS’, the startup staircase, collapsed? Last year’s unpaid support amount reduced by 20%

Government delayed payment of TIPS subsidy last year: “We will reduce it by 20%” This year’s budget has actually been increased, but some are criticizing the lack of policy consistency. The venture industry is experiencing financial difficulties amid high interest rates. What will happen if government support is reduced? TIPS, a private sector-led technology startup…

“Reduced budget, narrowed scope”, upheaval in government venture R&D support, ‘confusion’ in the industry

“Reduced budget, narrowed scope”, upheaval in government venture R&D support, ‘confusion’ in the industry

R&D support budget for small and medium-sized enterprises decreased by 22.7%, and the areas of support were also reduced Budget focused on specific areas such as private sector leadership and strategic technology, venture industry in ’emergency’ mode Will healthy companies collapse and ‘zombie companies’ be born? Market concerns intensify A significant change in government venture…

우주항공청 ‘파격 연봉’ 제시에도 지원 망설이는 전문인력들, “불투명한 정주여건 해결책 있어야”

우주항공청 ‘파격 연봉’ 제시에도 지원 망설이는 전문인력들, “불투명한 정주여건 해결책 있어야”

설립 가시화된 ‘사천 우주항공청’, 연구 분야는 물론 의료·교통·교육 인프라 부족 세종시도 ‘심심한 도시’로 불리는 상황, 정주여건 개선 계획부터 내놔야 여기에 정부 예산 추가투입 여부마저 ‘불투명’, 업계서도 회의적인 평가 쏟아져 우주항공청이 이르면 오는 5월 개청을 눈앞에 둔 가운데 전문인력 영입과 채용이 최대 과제로 떠오르고 있다. 다만 현장에선 기존 보수체계의 150%를 초과하는 연봉을 제시하는 등 정부의 파격적인…

“Find the demand from large corporations here” Is the government’s ‘OI Market’ a startup outsourcing platform?

“Find the demand from large corporations here” Is the government’s ‘OI Market’ a startup outsourcing platform?

‘Task subdivision and new program creation’ Take off the veil of open innovation support this year Government’s open innovation platform ‘OI Market’ connects demand from large corporations and startups Innovation in name, but outsourcing in reality? Opportunities for startups, savings for large corporations The government is strengthening public-private cooperation and open innovation to grow the…

Despite the Aerospace Administration’s ‘speed war’, the budget is ‘dropping’, and the space industry is ‘dead’ under the sound fiscal policy

Despite the Aerospace Administration’s ‘speed war’, the budget is ‘dropping’, and the space industry is ‘dead’ under the sound fiscal policy

Aerospace Administration opens at the end of May, recruiting talent ‘speed’ Work coordination issues between institutions ‘still persist’; there is room for conflict after the opening of the agency Can the space industry, which failed to avoid budget cuts, play its role? The National Space Control Tower, the Korea Aerospace Administration, will open in Sacheon,…

Small business owners struggling in the economic downturn, what they need most is an ‘economic boom’

Small business owners struggling in the economic downturn, what they need most is an ‘economic boom’

Small business owners demand ‘financial support policy’ as sales continue to decline due to recession “We will actively support small business owners” Ministry of SMEs and Startups announces policy funding of 3 trillion won this year There are also voices calling for measures to alleviate the recession Small business owners who are facing difficulties due…

The MyData billing calculation system that was finally confirmed heralds a ‘direct hit’ to the fintech industry

The MyData billing calculation system that was finally confirmed heralds a ‘direct hit’ to the fintech industry

Starting in July, operators will be charged according to My Data traffic However, a 50% cost reduction for small and medium-sized MyData operators Fintech industry: “It’s obvious that small and medium-sized companies with large losses will be burdened” The government’s billing plan to calculate My Data transmission fees at the cost level has been confirmed. Accordingly,…

The VC ecosystem frozen by the ‘double whammy’ of investment contraction and poor management, will ‘impairment losses’ be a self-rescue measure?

The VC ecosystem frozen by the ‘double whammy’ of investment contraction and poor management, will ‘impairment losses’ be a self-rescue measure?

The government’s ‘operational status’ of the mother-of-fund fund that was used as a priming product for the VC industry Industry shaken by high interest rates, deepening economic uncertainty, and weakening investment sentiment The market is frozen in the harsh cold, ‘helpless’ due to investment budget cuts The Ministry of SMEs and Startups is significantly revising…

The Japanese government, which is pushing for the implementation of a ‘digital platform government,’ is working on the ‘network separation system’ in earnest.

The Japanese government, which is pushing for the implementation of a ‘digital platform government,’ is working on the ‘network separation system’ in earnest.

The ‘network separation’ system, which has been gathering dust since its introduction in 2006, is subject to government overhaul. News of the formation of a related task force is reported, and preparations for the ‘Zero Trust+ Guidelines’ are underway. The government’s choice is a network separation system that is safe but has a high cost…

With the scientific community’s ‘long-cherished wish’ of establishing a space agency, “what remains to be done is securing a Korean talent pool”

With the scientific community’s ‘long-cherished wish’ of establishing a space agency, “what remains to be done is securing a Korean talent pool”

Space Agency’s budget of 7,000 billion won, will the scientific community’s long-awaited wish come true? As the problem of manpower shortage becomes visible, the future of Korea’s space industry becomes more visible. Korea has finally reached the starting point, “We must not be impatient” The establishment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (hereinafter referred…

Is the R&D budget cut ‘researchers’ responsibility’? The government’s ‘original sin’ of overusing impunity policies

Is the R&D budget cut ‘researchers’ responsibility’? The government’s ‘original sin’ of overusing impunity policies

President Yong said, “R&D efficiency is a huge force that will make Korea leap forward.” While emphasizing the responsibility of researchers, the government’s responsibility is ‘never known’, a deep-rooted trap of ‘suppression’ “The frame of ‘follower of developed countries’ still persists, don’t think you’ll get lucky” President Yoon Seok-yeol emphasized the efficiency of the R&D…

Will the public SW project, which is ignored because it ‘does not make money’, return to its proper place through government intervention?

Will the public SW project, which is ignored because it ‘does not make money’, return to its proper place through government intervention?

Introducing ‘variable contract’ in public software, enabling flexible business price settlement Public software is creaky even after spending 1 trillion won every year, expectations for future quality improvement are high The chronic barrier to government projects is ‘profitability’; will this plan improve treatment? The government is converting the fixed contract system, which has been pointed…

Will the theory of ‘virtual asset tax deferral’ triggered by the abolition of the gold investment tax change as promised during the presidential election?

Will the theory of ‘virtual asset tax deferral’ triggered by the abolition of the gold investment tax change as promised during the presidential election?

Crypto asset investor: “When the gold investment tax is abolished, coin taxation must also be reexamined from the beginning” Government: “Tax policy easing is led by the President’s Office and is not being considered by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance” There are also arguments that the introduction of taxation should proceed as scheduled to…

정부 R&D 예산 삭감에 ‘기업 R&D’도 위축, “연구비 줄이고 인력 채용에도 소극적”

정부 R&D 예산 삭감에 ‘기업 R&D’도 위축, “연구비 줄이고 인력 채용에도 소극적”

R&D 투자 지수 97.1, 채용 지수 93.3으로 전년보다 축소 기업들 “정부의 R&D 예산 삭감이 향후 연구활동에 부정적 영향 미쳐” 정부, 올해 국방기술 R&D 등 관련 지원은 늘리기로 올해 국내 주요 기업의 연구개발(R&D) 투자와 인력 채용이 전년 대비 모두 줄어들 것이라는 전망이 나왔다. 기계, 정보통신, 소재, 건설 등 전 산업 분야에서 대내외 경영환경이 이전보다 악화될 것을…

벤처 예산 올해도 ‘증액’, R&D 예산은 재정건전성 위한 ‘희생양’?

벤처 예산 올해도 ‘증액’, R&D 예산은 재정건전성 위한 ‘희생양’?

창업지원 나선 정부, 팁스(TIPS) 예산도 대폭 증액 비효율적 예산 책정 언제까지? R&D 예산 삭감 의미 퇴색 가능성 “중장기적 창업환경 조성 필요, 단순 증액으론 문제 해결 힘들다” 정부와 각 지방자치단체가 올해 총 3조7,121억원 규모의 창업지원사업을 통해 유망한 창업가들을 지원한다. 민·관이 공동으로 유망 창업기업을 발굴하는 팁스(TIPS) 프로그램은 4,715억원, 시스템반도체나 바이오·헬스 등 10대 신산업 기업을 지원하는 ‘초격차 스타트업…

확률형 아이템 정보 공개 의무화, 전문가들 “자율 규제가 더 바람직하다”

확률형 아이템 정보 공개 의무화, 전문가들 “자율 규제가 더 바람직하다”

3월 22일부터 ‘게임산업진흥에 관한 법률 시행령’ 개정안 본격 시행 확률형 아이템 유형 및 확률정보 투명 공개가 주요 골자 법적규제보다는 자율규제가 더 실효성 높을 것이라는 지적 잇따라 오는 3월부터는 게임사들이 확률형 아이템에 대한 구체적인 확률 수치를 게임 이용자들이 알기 쉽게 공시해야 한다. 그러나 전문가들의 반응은 싸늘하기만 하다. 문화체육관광부의 이번 규제가 확률형 아이템 과소비를 막을 수 없을뿐더러,…

‘절세 가장한 탈세’ 불법 PG사, ‘근절’ 나섰지만 해결은 ‘요원’

‘절세 가장한 탈세’ 불법 PG사, ‘근절’ 나섰지만 해결은 ‘요원’

끊이지 않는 ‘불법 PG’, 형사처벌 가능하지만 여전히 ‘횡행’ 금감원 “연루된 가맹점도 불이익 있을 수 있다” 일각선 취약계층 보호 목소리도, “‘투트랙 전략’ 필요해” 영세·중소 판매업자와 음식점을 대상으로 불법 결제대행(PG) 영업이 끊이지 않고 있다. 세금을 절세할 수 있다는 ‘절세단말기’에 이어 카드사 압류를 피할 수 있다는 ‘결제대행단말기’까지 출현한 상태다. 이에 금융감독원은 현행법상 형사 처벌까지 가능하다고 강조하며 이들 불법…

“한국 매력 없어” 이공계 엘리트들의 탈(脫)한국 움직임, 국가경쟁력에 치명적

“한국 매력 없어” 이공계 엘리트들의 탈(脫)한국 움직임, 국가경쟁력에 치명적

학령인구 줄어드는데 해외로 나가는 이공계 학생은 여전한 수준 2050년에는 국내 이공계 인력 현재의 절반 이하로 떨어질 수도 연구환경·비자 문제 개선 등 정부 차원의 인재 유치 전략 마련해야 최근 10년간 해외로 난 국내 이공계 인재가 30만 명을 넘어선 것으로 확인됐다. 인구구조의 급변으로 학령인구가 지속적으로 감소하는 가운데, 이공계 학부생을 비롯해 석·박사급 고급 인력은 매년 3만 명에서 4만…