Author: Subin Jeon

Macy’s, which was struggling after being “lost by Amazon,” shows signs of selling and even carries out a large-scale restructuring

Macy’s, which was struggling after being “lost by Amazon,” shows signs of selling and even carries out a large-scale restructuring

Macy’s, America’s largest department store chain, lays off 3.5% of its employees Due to strong demand for acquisitions aimed at real estate profits, has the company decided to downsize before selling? Customers left after the pandemic, decline of the offline distribution industry As the dark cloud over the offline distribution industry deepens, the decline of…

Musk, who lost a large portion of Tesla shares through the acquisition of “If I don’t get 25% of the shares, I will turn it outside of the AI business”

Musk, who lost a large portion of Tesla shares through the acquisition of “If I don’t get 25% of the shares, I will turn it outside of the AI business”

“It’s inconvenient not to have a 25% stake” Elon Musk insists on the need to secure a stake After the Twitter acquisition battle, the stake decreased to 13%, and X is in ‘jeopardy’ Musk, who negotiates with AI as the future food source, reminds us of ‘Altman’s expulsion’ from the industry Elon Musk, CEO of…

Has ‘TIPS’, the startup staircase, collapsed? Last year’s unpaid support amount reduced by 20%

Has ‘TIPS’, the startup staircase, collapsed? Last year’s unpaid support amount reduced by 20%

Government delayed payment of TIPS subsidy last year: “We will reduce it by 20%” This year’s budget has actually been increased, but some are criticizing the lack of policy consistency. The venture industry is experiencing financial difficulties amid high interest rates. What will happen if government support is reduced? TIPS, a private sector-led technology startup…

“Reduced budget, narrowed scope”, upheaval in government venture R&D support, ‘confusion’ in the industry

“Reduced budget, narrowed scope”, upheaval in government venture R&D support, ‘confusion’ in the industry

R&D support budget for small and medium-sized enterprises decreased by 22.7%, and the areas of support were also reduced Budget focused on specific areas such as private sector leadership and strategic technology, venture industry in ’emergency’ mode Will healthy companies collapse and ‘zombie companies’ be born? Market concerns intensify A significant change in government venture…

Movie theaters collapsing due to the OTT craze, cannot be saved through ‘holdback’?

Movie theaters collapsing due to the OTT craze, cannot be saved through ‘holdback’?

The film industry turned upside down after the COVID-19 pandemic, with an average holdback of ‘3 months’ “Audiences have already turned their backs” Questioning the effectiveness of institutionalizing holdbacks Both production companies and consumers have changed, as multiplexes seek ‘new avenues’ As the multiplex industry faces a downturn following the COVID-19 pandemic, industry debate over…

Deaths of the ‘head of the household’ are quietly forgotten. The risk of lonely death among middle-aged men is particularly high

Deaths of the ‘head of the household’ are quietly forgotten. The risk of lonely death among middle-aged men is particularly high

‘Risk of lonely death’ is higher in men than in women and in middle-aged people than in young and elderly people Middle-aged people who have lost their place due to retirement and divorce are hiding from society The fundamental cause lies in ‘social structure’? Questions about the effectiveness of government policies Analysis has suggested that…

Implementation of the ‘largest-ever credit amnesty’ for 290 million people, is it medicine or Germany?

Implementation of the ‘largest-ever credit amnesty’ for 290 million people, is it medicine or Germany?

Government and ruling party announce credit amnesty for those with delinquent debt of 20 million won or less Risk of moral hazard and reverse discrimination, is this a ‘populist policy’ ahead of the general election? There is also a positive effect “to the institutional system for vulnerable groups affected by the COVID-19 pandemic” The government…

Will domestic battery equipment, which has soared thanks to ‘IRA investment’, be able to keep up with the ‘hot pursuit’ of Chinese products?

Will domestic battery equipment, which has soared thanks to ‘IRA investment’, be able to keep up with the ‘hot pursuit’ of Chinese products?

Battery companies increase investment in North America through US IRA, equipment industry booming Most companies’ performance is ‘green light’, expectations for this year’s performance are also high Chinese equipment is gaining ground rapidly, but if you fail to differentiate yourself, you will be pushed out It was confirmed that domestic battery equipment companies recorded remarkable…

“Redevelopment is freely possible, officetel taxes are relaxed” Yoon Seok-yeol’s government’s ‘bomb mitigation plan’

“Redevelopment is freely possible, officetel taxes are relaxed” Yoon Seok-yeol’s government’s ‘bomb mitigation plan’

Establishment of ‘safety diagnosis fast track’ for old apartments, lowering barriers to maintenance “Stimulate the market” Significantly strengthened tax benefits for non-apartments such as officetels After the economic recovery, there are concerns about a surge in prices, and some question the effectiveness of the memorandum More than 30 years since completion old apartment The ‘safety diagnosis barrier’…

Supply dries up and monthly rent rises. What is the direction of the officetel market?

Supply dries up and monthly rent rises. What is the direction of the officetel market?

Officetel market slows down in earnest with both construction starts and transactions plummeting As supply decreases, monthly rents soar, young people who prefer officetels have nowhere to go The ‘link’ between price increases and supply expansion, market normalization expected within a few years The number of construction starts and occupancy for non-apartment buildings, including officetels,…

Where have all the tourists gone, the ‘now’ of the Asian tourism market?

Where have all the tourists gone, the ‘now’ of the Asian tourism market?

Demand for Chinese tourists dries up, Korea’s travel balance deficit grows Asian countries bring out ‘visa-free entry’ cards to attract Chinese tourists Japan’s tourism demand surges due to the low yen effect, a tectonic shift in the Asian tourism industry While overall demand for Korean travel by overseas tourists has frozen, the travel balance deficit…

The intention was good, but the method was wrong. ‘Hell Gate’, a metropolitan bus that paralyzed Myeong-dong

The intention was good, but the method was wrong. ‘Hell Gate’, a metropolitan bus that paralyzed Myeong-dong

Myeongdong bus stop full of metropolitan buses, nightmare of ‘line-up signs for each route’ Citizens tired of ‘infinite waiting’ for buses on their way home from work are angry, saying, “It’s a desk administration.” Ineffective policies are useless, and we should follow the example of the 2004 ‘public transportation system reform’ Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon…

“IRA 폐기해야 한다” 트럼프의 전기차 시장 집중포격

“IRA 폐기해야 한다” 트럼프의 전기차 시장 집중포격

IRA 걸고 넘어지며 위기감 조성하는 트럼프, 전기차 업계 우려 가중 완성차 업체, 美 투자 단행한 토종 배터리 기업 등에 ‘직격탄’ IRA 사라지면 어디로 가나, 길 잃은 기업들 대안 모색 나서야 오는 11월 예정된 미국 대선이 글로벌 전기차 시장의 무시할 수 없는 골칫거리로 떠올랐다. 도널드 트럼프 전 미국 대통령이 재선에 성공해 인플레이션감축법(IRA)을 폐기할 경우, 미국 내…

티와이홀딩스의 굳건한 ‘SBS 지키기’, 태영건설 워크아웃은 뒷전인가

티와이홀딩스의 굳건한 ‘SBS 지키기’, 태영건설 워크아웃은 뒷전인가

태영인더스트리 팔아치운 태영 일가, 태영건설 아닌 티와이홀딩스 빚 갚았다? 외상매출채권담보대출 미상환한 태영건설, 워크아웃 개시 전부터 ‘삐걱’ 총력 기울여도 힘든 워크아웃 졸업, 채권단 “이대로는 안 된다” 태영건설의 지주회사 티와이홀딩스가 태영건설의 워크아웃(기업 재무구조 개선 작업)을 후순위로 미루고 있다는 분석이 제기됐다. 금융당국에 따르면 티와이홀딩스는 물류 기업 ‘태영인더스트리’ 매각 대금 일부를 자체 지주사 채무 보증 해소에 사용했다. 매각 대금을…

가라앉은 한국 경제, 연준 기준금리 인하 소식에도 ‘싸늘’

가라앉은 한국 경제, 연준 기준금리 인하 소식에도 ‘싸늘’

기준금리 인상 행진 이어가던 연준, 드디어 ‘피벗’ 신호 보낸다 한국 ‘장기 침체’ 점치는 주요 기관, 올해 경제성장률 2% 전망 부동산 PF 위기·중국 경기 침체 악재 겹쳤다, 1%대 비관적 예측도 미국 연방준비제도(Fed·연준)의 올해 내 피벗(Pivot·정책 기조 전환)이 기정사실화한 가운데, 국내 시장에서는 이른바 ‘L자형’ 장기 침체(침체 상황이 장기적으로 지속되는 불황 국면)에 대한 우려가 가중되고 있다. 주요 수출국인…

중고명품에 힘 싣는 크림, ‘급성장’ 레드오션에 도전장 내민다

중고명품에 힘 싣는 크림, ‘급성장’ 레드오션에 도전장 내민다

C2C 생태계 갖추는 크림, 중고명품 플랫폼 ‘팹’ 투자 확대 MZ세대 덮친 ‘명품 리셀’ 문화, 중고로 팔고 중고로 산다 각국 럭셔리 시장도 ‘중고’에 주목, 더 이상 틈새시장 아냐 네이버의 손자 기업 크림이 자회사를 활용한 중고명품 사업 확장에 나섰다. 지난 22일 크림은 중고명품 플랫폼 ‘시크’ 운영사 팹의 유상증자에 참여, 총 29억9,900만원을 출자했다. 중고명품 시장 영향력을 확보하기 위해…

조각투자 바람 타고 날아오를까, AI 돌풍에 추락할까? ‘아트 커머스’의 미래는?

조각투자 바람 타고 날아오를까, AI 돌풍에 추락할까? ‘아트 커머스’의 미래는?

아트 커머스 플랫폼 ‘난트’ 운영사, 두 번째 투자 유치 성공 곳곳에서 ‘예술품’ 공급 증가, 더 이상 고급 취미 아니다? 투자 시장 잡아먹느냐 AI에 먹히느냐, 엇갈리는 미래 전망 아트 커머스 플랫폼 ‘난트(NANT)’를 운영하는 콜론30이 씨엔티테크에서 투자를 유치했다고 28일 밝혔다. 2021년 프라이머에서 시드 투자를 유치한 후 두 번째 투자유치에 성공한 것이다. 아트 커머스의 인기가 점차 벤처 업계에서…

“ADC에 베팅했다” 녹십자가 눈독 들인 바이오벤처 ‘카나프테라퓨틱스’

“ADC에 베팅했다” 녹십자가 눈독 들인 바이오벤처 ‘카나프테라퓨틱스’

‘차세대 항암제’ 개발사 카나프테라퓨틱스, 시리즈 C 투자 유치 성공 녹십자가 손실 감수하며 끌어안았다? 미래 수익 전망 낙관적 시장 휩쓴 ‘ADC 약물’ 개발 역량 갖춘 기업, 제2의 엔허투 나올까 약물융합기술 기반 신약 개발기업 카나프테라퓨틱스(이하 카나프)가 230억원 규모의 시리즈 C 투자를 유치했다고 27일 밝혔다. 이번 투자에는 기존 전략적 투자자(SI)인 GC녹십자 외에 롯데바이오로직스가 신규 SI로 참여했다. 기관투자자(FI)로는 인터베스트, 프리미어파트너스,…

플랫폼법 앞세워 ‘네카쿠’ 숨통 조이는 정부, 누굴 위한 규제인가

플랫폼법 앞세워 ‘네카쿠’ 숨통 조이는 정부, 누굴 위한 규제인가

文 정부 ‘온플법’ 승계하나, 되살아난 ‘플랫폼 사전 규제’ 논의 국내 플랫폼 기업 잡는 플랫폼법, 플랫폼·투자업계 “시장 후퇴다” 유럽의 ‘초강력 플랫폼 견제’ 무작정 흡수한 정부, 이대론 안 된다 공정거래위원회의 ‘플랫폼 공정경쟁촉진법(가칭, 이하 플랫폼법)’에 대한 시장의 우려가 가중되고 있다. 플랫폼법이 문재인 정부 당시 추진된 ‘온라인 플랫폼 공정화법(온플법)’보다 한층 강력한 플랫폼 규제안이라는 분석에 힘이 실리면서다. 현 정부 기조인…

“너무 위험해” 전동킥보드에 규제 칼날 겨누는 각국, PM 업계 ‘바람 앞 촛불’

“너무 위험해” 전동킥보드에 규제 칼날 겨누는 각국, PM 업계 ‘바람 앞 촛불’

2017년부터 시장 다져온 美 전동킥보드 기업 ‘버드’, 결국 파산 안전사고 증가로 규제 압박 강해져, 사고 소송 비용 부담까지 위험천만 ‘도로 위 무법자’ 전동킥보드, 시장서 살아남을 수 있을까 미국의 PM(개인형 이동장치) 시장이 흔들리고 있다. 미국 공유 전동킥보드 기업 버드(BIRD)는 20일(현지시간) 미 플로리다 연방법원에 파산법 11조(Chapter 11)에 따른 파산보호 신청서를 제출했다고 밝혔다. 향후 90~120일 이내에 파산 절차를…