Author: 김민정 기자

Should I wait until summer to watch ‘Spring in Seoul’ on OTT? Countdown to introduction of Korean movie Holdback

Should I wait until summer to watch ‘Spring in Seoul’ on OTT? Countdown to introduction of Korean movie Holdback

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism begins to specify holdback period and targets Blueprint for recovery of the film industry, which was ‘cut in half’ Some pointed out that “there will be increased losses by delaying entry into the secondary market” The government is moving to legislate a holdback system that postpones the release of…

Is it innovation or confusion? Toss Bank enters the foreign exchange service market with ‘lifetime fee exemption’

Is it innovation or confusion? Toss Bank enters the foreign exchange service market with ‘lifetime fee exemption’

Declaration of application of 100% preferential exchange rate regardless of performance “Perfect hedging is difficult due to the nature of foreign exchange” Is it possible to offset the spread with foreign currency management? Internet bank Toss Bank has launched a foreign exchange service that allows exchange of 17 currencies, including the U.S. dollar, 24 hours…

Negative interest rates continue to increase at commercial banks. Will refinancing loans accelerate the virtuous cycle in the market?

Negative interest rates continue to increase at commercial banks. Will refinancing loans accelerate the virtuous cycle in the market?

Bank bond interest rates-Cofix continues to fall ‘At-a-glance interest rate comparison’ encourages competition Blocking illegal activities such as phishing impersonating a bank is a task Interest rate cuts by commercial banks have gained momentum. This is as competition among banks to attract demand for mortgage replacement is intensifying following the reduction of the financing cost…

“30-second shorts add up to 1,000 billion minutes”, YouTube usage time jumps 3 times in 1.6 years

“30-second shorts add up to 1,000 billion minutes”, YouTube usage time jumps 3 times in 1.6 years

67.1 billion minutes in 2020 → 104.4 billion minutes in 2023 Dopamine addiction leading to ADHD, anxiety, and depression disorders Adolescents with a strong imitation mentality need greater attention It was revealed that Koreans’ viewing time on YouTube increased 3 times over the past three years, significantly outpacing representative messenger and portal apps such as…

Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-de is elected president of Taiwan, and Korea is also paying close attention to his continued anti-China stance

Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-de is elected president of Taiwan, and Korea is also paying close attention to his continued anti-China stance

The birth of the Vice-President-turned-President, expected policy consistency “One China” heightens tensions in Taiwan Strait Crisis theory extended to the Korean semiconductor industry Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (Democratic Progressive Party) Chairman Lai Ching-de, who has shown strong pro-American and anti-China tendencies, was elected president, creating tension in the international situation. Tensions are reaching a peak,…

“The recession is over” vs. “It’s too early to make a quick decision,” academics and the market have conflicting views on the U.S. economy in the year ahead

“The recession is over” vs. “It’s too early to make a quick decision,” academics and the market have conflicting views on the U.S. economy in the year ahead

Academics “1% chance of market recession within one year” There is also an interpretation that it is nothing more than a ‘boom illusion effect’ Agree on slowing economic growth, should interest rate cuts be brought forward? Expectations for economic recovery in the United States are growing. This is because less than 1% of economists believe…

The United States has imposed sanctions on companies and individuals involved in North Korea-Russia missile transfers, Are the concerns coming from the wrong place?

The United States has imposed sanctions on companies and individuals involved in North Korea-Russia missile transfers, Are the concerns coming from the wrong place?

Sanctions were imposed on three companies and one individual, and assets of four aircraft were frozen Zelensky: “A lesson must be taught to dictators who threaten world peace” There are also concerns about Korea dominating the Southeast Asian arms market As it was revealed that Russia used ballistic missiles developed and produced in North Korea…

Introducing a ‘up to 6-year reduction’ reconstruction fast track, followed by concerns over the government’s ‘all-in’ real estate stimulus stimulus

Introducing a ‘up to 6-year reduction’ reconstruction fast track, followed by concerns over the government’s ‘all-in’ real estate stimulus stimulus

‘Housing that the people want’ people’s livelihood debate held Focus on expanding housing supply and revitalizing the construction industry There are also concerns about policies focused on marketability In the future, apartments 30 years after completion will be able to be rebuilt without safety inspection. Additionally, in the case of redevelopment, the deterioration requirement is…

China’s first-tier cities are suffering from overflowing unemployment, and the chances of economic recovery are ‘very low’

China’s first-tier cities are suffering from overflowing unemployment, and the chances of economic recovery are ‘very low’

Workers have nowhere to go despite falling real estate prices Chinese government is ‘too cautious’ in market structure reform Credit defaulters have increased rapidly by 3% in the past three years It has been revealed that China’s economic downturn is at a serious level. This is because large cities such as Shenzhen, which was once…

“Sharing LTV information between banks constitutes tacit ‘collusion,’” and the Fair Trade Commission begins sanctions procedures against the four major banks

“Sharing LTV information between banks constitutes tacit ‘collusion,’” and the Fair Trade Commission begins sanctions procedures against the four major banks

Fair Trade Commission points out “receiving unfair profits by sharing information on collateral items” If the charges are acknowledged, a fine of hundreds of billions of won is expected. “At the risk management level, collusion is overinterpreted” The Fair Trade Commission has begun sanctions procedures after the four major domestic commercial banks, including KB Kookmin,…

40% of content companies “Postponing the introduction of generative AI until relevant laws are specified”

40% of content companies “Postponing the introduction of generative AI until relevant laws are specified”

Content companies that pursue stability rather than efficiency Government guidelines continue to point out ‘ambiguity in standards’ “For technological development to be meaningful, the scope of rights recognition must be clear” While the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI), which began in earnest last year, is expanding throughout the industry, it has been confirmed that…

Zhongzhi Group, China’s largest ‘shadow bank’, went bankrupt, financial crisis triggered by real estate in full swing

Zhongzhi Group, China’s largest ‘shadow bank’, went bankrupt, financial crisis triggered by real estate in full swing

Zhongzi Group’s debt alone is worth 84 trillion won, more than twice its total assets Concerns about serial bankruptcies in the Chinese trust market worth 2 trillion won Taeyoung Construction workout, domestic financial community also ‘solve’ crisis theory Zhongzhi Group, China’s largest private asset management company, has entered bankruptcy proceedings. As Zhongzhi Group’s excess debt…

Even after the end of the pandemic, K-comics and secondary IP business are expected to remain strong ↑

Even after the end of the pandemic, K-comics and secondary IP business are expected to remain strong ↑

Analysis of content industry trends in the first half of 2023 Total sales increased by 2.5% compared to the previous year Intensifying competition among content, will it lead to industry stagnation? It was revealed that the domestic content industry was almost completely unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because both sales and exports in…

Dongbu Construction “PF contingent liabilities are at a very low level,” refuting rumors of a liquidity crisis

Dongbu Construction “PF contingent liabilities are at a very low level,” refuting rumors of a liquidity crisis

Dongbu Construction completed securing liquidity of KRW 3,000 billion “PF funds are mainly invested in sites where construction costs are secured” ‘Poor’ outlook for financing, urgent need for construction companies to come up with self-rescue measures Dongbu Construction has drawn a line with regard to the rumors of a liquidity crisis floating around the market,…

태영건설 1조6,000억원 규모 자구안 제시에도 ‘싸늘’, 채권단의 사재출연 요구 정당한가

태영건설 1조6,000억원 규모 자구안 제시에도 ‘싸늘’, 채권단의 사재출연 요구 정당한가

“실제 부동산 PF 우발채무는 2조5,000억원” SBS 지분 매각 요청에는 거부 의사 표현 무리한 사재출연 ‘적폐’라는 지적도 부동산 프로젝트파이낸싱(PF) 부실로 기업구조개선작업(워크아웃)을 신청한 태영건설의 자구안에 채권단이 불편한 심기를 드러냈다. 그간 요구해 왔던 소유주 일가의 사재출연과 최대 계열사 SBS 지분 매각 등이 전혀 검토되지 않고 있다는 지적이다. 다만 일각에서는 무리한 사재출연 요구가 기업의 경영권을 위협해 도리어 사업 정상화를…

이 대신 잇몸, 스타벅스 대신 스타스? 러시아 “오히려 좋아”

이 대신 잇몸, 스타벅스 대신 스타스? 러시아 “오히려 좋아”

‘선 넘은’ 브랜드명·로고 카피저품질-고가에도 급속 성장푸틴 “서방 기업 떠나도 러시아 건재” 서방 기업들이 대거 떠난 러시아에 가득 들어선 이른바 ‘짝퉁’ 기업들이 호황을 누리고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 러시아의 침공 직후 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령이 국제사회에 “그들이 단 한 푼도 받지 못하도록 러시아를 떠나달라”고 호소했음에도 러시아 고립 작전이 실패로 돌아간 양상이다. 비우호국 특허권 인정 안 해, 노골적인…

‘민생경제 회복에 사활’ 당정, 임시투자세액공제 연장으로 내수 활성화 나선다

‘민생경제 회복에 사활’ 당정, 임시투자세액공제 연장으로 내수 활성화 나선다

임시투자세액공제 1년 연장실효성·효과 관련 의견 분분“최소 2~3년 안착 기간 필요” 국민의힘과 정부가 지난해 12월 종료된 설비 투자에 대한 임시투자세액공제를 올해 말까지 1년 더 연장하기로 했다. 수출 중심으로 경제 회복세가 확대하고 있는 만큼 기업의 국내 투자를 적극 장려하겠다는 취지다. 당정은 이와 함께 올해 1분기 중 영세소상공인에 대해 20만원의 전기료 감면을 지원할 방침이다. “수출 중심 경제 회복,…

고개 드는 ‘VC 시장 활성화론’, 상존하는 위험 요소 탓에 더딘 회복 예상

고개 드는 ‘VC 시장 활성화론’, 상존하는 위험 요소 탓에 더딘 회복 예상

2024년 국내 벤처투자 시장 전망 리포트응답자 52.3% “투자재원 규모 확대 등 긍정적 전망”글로벌 거시경제 불확실성 지속되며 신중론도 국내 VC(벤처캐피탈) 업계 종사자 중 절반 이상이 2024년 벤처투자 시장을 긍정적으로 전망하는 것으로 나타났다. 또 올해 투자 규모가 작년보다 증대할 것이라는 예상도 50%에 가까웠다. 각종 정책자금 규모가 확대되고, 회수시장 규제가 완화되며 오랜 시간 얼어붙었던 벤처투자 시장이 활기를 띨…

강남 3구 ‘로또 청약’에 시장 관심 최고조, 충분한 물량 확보는 과제로

강남 3구 ‘로또 청약’에 시장 관심 최고조, 충분한 물량 확보는 과제로

연내 서울 분양 물량 4만7,559가구‘최소 수억원’ 시세차익 기대에 수요 심리↑후분양 검토 단지 늘며 물량 확보에 제동 지난해 공급을 미뤘던 단지들이 올해 대거 분양에 나서면서 이른바 ‘로또 청약’이라 불리는 강남 아파트에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 강남·서초·송파구에 위치한 이들 단지는 지하철과 학교 등 입지 여건이 뛰어나다는 점 외에도 분양가 상한제가 적용돼 최소 수억원의 시세 차익을 기대할 수…

‘무너지고, 다치고’ 안전 사라진 건설 현장, “제도·비용만의 문제 아냐”

‘무너지고, 다치고’ 안전 사라진 건설 현장, “제도·비용만의 문제 아냐”

크고 작은 사고로 인적·물적 피해 잇따라 건설 업계는 신뢰도 회복 위해 안전 강화 제스처 “현장 관행이 원칙에 앞서는 인식부터 개선해야” 건설 업계의 고질적 안전불감증이 도마에 올랐다. 소위 ‘1군’이라 불리는 대형 건설사가 신축한 아파트에서는 올 한 해 부실시공과 관련한 입주민들의 원성이 끊이지 않았으며, 일부 건설 현장에서는 인부들이 중상을 입거나 목숨을 잃는 인사 사고가 발생하기도 했다. 중대재해…