
상속하려다 경영 위기에 놓이는 기업들, 과도한 상속세제는 뜯어 고쳐야

상속하려다 경영 위기에 놓이는 기업들, 과도한 상속세제는 뜯어 고쳐야

尹 대통령, 기업 발전 저해하는 낡은 ‘상속세’ 제도 개편 시사 10조원 상속하면 세금만 6조원? 전례 없는 최고치 상속세율 상속세 폐지 해야 vs 세제 유지하되 세율 절반 이상 낮춰야 대통령실이 최근 윤석열 대통령의 ‘상속세 폐지’ 발언에 대한 논란 잠재우기에 나섰다. 4월 총선을 앞두고 윤 대통령이 상속세 폐지 카드를 꺼내든 것에 대해 야당에서 ‘총선용 포퓰리즘’이라는 비난을 쏟아내고…

‘Representatives of workers who do not work’, ‘gap’ between skyless union officials and ordinary workers

‘Representatives of workers who do not work’, ‘gap’ between skyless union officials and ordinary workers

Labor union officials spark controversy over abuse of time-off system, exceeding limit is ‘routine’ The Seoul Metropolitan Government also advocates ‘responsibility’, “just a ‘warning to the agency’ without punishing the head of the agency” Established unions that reign as the ‘privileged class’ are “not interested” in workers’ rights There is controversy over the Seoul Transportation…

Are the public and private sectors joining hands to respond to local extinction, and are diversity and creativity everything?

Are the public and private sectors joining hands to respond to local extinction, and are diversity and creativity everything?

Promotion of public-private cooperation regional win-win agreement project Expanding participation from local governments to the private sector 9 cases selected, each supported with 50 billion won, full-scale operation in July A project to overcome the crisis of local population extinction, led by the private sector and supported by the public, is scheduled to begin operation…

The low birth rate and aging committee is beholden to a ‘borrowed sack of barley’, the shadow of ‘lack of capacity’ hidden behind budget problems

The low birth rate and aging committee is beholden to a ‘borrowed sack of barley’, the shadow of ‘lack of capacity’ hidden behind budget problems

Population control tower ‘Yumyeong Musil’, ‘agent’ to solve low birth rate problem Committee on low birth rate and aging population raised ‘budget issue’: “It is difficult to design policies without budget authority” Some point out ‘lack of capacity’, “Failure to solve key challenges is the fundamental cause” The Low Birth Rate and Aging Society Committee,…

“Financial investment income tax, should it be abolished or implemented?” Spreading controversy in political circles only adds to confusion among ‘financial companies and investors’

“Financial investment income tax, should it be abolished or implemented?” Spreading controversy in political circles only adds to confusion among ‘financial companies and investors’

As the departure of major shareholders accelerates in the ruling party, the damage to ‘minority shareholders’ becomes obvious Opposition party criticizes ‘tax cut for the rich’, which actually only eases the tax burden on high-net-worth investors The ruling and opposition parties must confirm as soon as possible whether to abolish the financial investment income tax…

Movie theaters collapsing due to the OTT craze, cannot be saved through ‘holdback’?

Movie theaters collapsing due to the OTT craze, cannot be saved through ‘holdback’?

The film industry turned upside down after the COVID-19 pandemic, with an average holdback of ‘3 months’ “Audiences have already turned their backs” Questioning the effectiveness of institutionalizing holdbacks Both production companies and consumers have changed, as multiplexes seek ‘new avenues’ As the multiplex industry faces a downturn following the COVID-19 pandemic, industry debate over…

Deaths of the ‘head of the household’ are quietly forgotten. The risk of lonely death among middle-aged men is particularly high

Deaths of the ‘head of the household’ are quietly forgotten. The risk of lonely death among middle-aged men is particularly high

‘Risk of lonely death’ is higher in men than in women and in middle-aged people than in young and elderly people Middle-aged people who have lost their place due to retirement and divorce are hiding from society The fundamental cause lies in ‘social structure’? Questions about the effectiveness of government policies Analysis has suggested that…

Implementation of the ‘largest-ever credit amnesty’ for 290 million people, is it medicine or Germany?

Implementation of the ‘largest-ever credit amnesty’ for 290 million people, is it medicine or Germany?

Government and ruling party announce credit amnesty for those with delinquent debt of 20 million won or less Risk of moral hazard and reverse discrimination, is this a ‘populist policy’ ahead of the general election? There is also a positive effect “to the institutional system for vulnerable groups affected by the COVID-19 pandemic” The government…

“Redevelopment is freely possible, officetel taxes are relaxed” Yoon Seok-yeol’s government’s ‘bomb mitigation plan’

“Redevelopment is freely possible, officetel taxes are relaxed” Yoon Seok-yeol’s government’s ‘bomb mitigation plan’

Establishment of ‘safety diagnosis fast track’ for old apartments, lowering barriers to maintenance “Stimulate the market” Significantly strengthened tax benefits for non-apartments such as officetels After the economic recovery, there are concerns about a surge in prices, and some question the effectiveness of the memorandum More than 30 years since completion old apartment The ‘safety diagnosis barrier’…

A construction company ‘living without the law’? The government with its sword drawn due to the spread of wage arrears, even punishment with a soft bat is ‘deceptive’

A construction company ‘living without the law’? The government with its sword drawn due to the spread of wage arrears, even punishment with a soft bat is ‘deceptive’

Government checks on non-payment of wages, construction sites “only now” Despite repeated violations of the law, the punishment is ‘a soft bat’, and the government’s responsibility is boiling over Concerns over small and medium-sized construction company ‘Domino’: “Due to the lukewarm response and the formation of an abnormal structure” Ahead of the Lunar New Year…

The reason why the National Pension Service, which was said to have recorded the highest rate of return last year, is nothing more than Sam Cho’s company

The reason why the National Pension Service, which was said to have recorded the highest rate of return last year, is nothing more than Sam Cho’s company

National Pension Service earned 100 trillion won last year, the ‘highest ever’, in contrast to 2022, which was the ‘worst ever’ The reality is disastrous, ’22~’23 real rate of return 1%, KOSPI growth rate below “Now we have to admit incompetence.” There is also a need to actively consider consignment management of pension funds, which…

The employment rate graph is sloping upward, but the youth are on the verge of ‘failure’

The employment rate graph is sloping upward, but the youth are on the verge of ‘failure’

Employment rate is ‘highest ever’, number of elderly employed increases significantly With the economy shrinking, the number of young people and those in their 40s employed is on the decline Employment rate driven by the elderly and women, “Isn’t it actually an ‘imaginary number’?” Last year, the annual number of employed people increased by more…

Where have all the tourists gone, the ‘now’ of the Asian tourism market?

Where have all the tourists gone, the ‘now’ of the Asian tourism market?

Demand for Chinese tourists dries up, Korea’s travel balance deficit grows Asian countries bring out ‘visa-free entry’ cards to attract Chinese tourists Japan’s tourism demand surges due to the low yen effect, a tectonic shift in the Asian tourism industry While overall demand for Korean travel by overseas tourists has frozen, the travel balance deficit…

The intention was good, but the method was wrong. ‘Hell Gate’, a metropolitan bus that paralyzed Myeong-dong

The intention was good, but the method was wrong. ‘Hell Gate’, a metropolitan bus that paralyzed Myeong-dong

Myeongdong bus stop full of metropolitan buses, nightmare of ‘line-up signs for each route’ Citizens tired of ‘infinite waiting’ for buses on their way home from work are angry, saying, “It’s a desk administration.” Ineffective policies are useless, and we should follow the example of the 2004 ‘public transportation system reform’ Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon…

Despite the government’s move to “relax various regulations related to reconstruction and redevelopment,” the market is ‘frozen’

Despite the government’s move to “relax various regulations related to reconstruction and redevelopment,” the market is ‘frozen’

尹 “Reexamination of maintenance project procedures from the beginning” Expected relaxation of safety diagnosis standards for reconstruction, etc. Union members who are faced with a double burden ‘just sigh’ The government is considering ways to ease various regulations related to maintenance projects such as redevelopment and reconstruction. While measures such as easing safety inspections that…

“It is difficult to have even one child, so ‘multiple children’ is absurd”, the need for a phased support policy to encourage childbirth↑

“It is difficult to have even one child, so ‘multiple children’ is absurd”, the need for a phased support policy to encourage childbirth↑

Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements ‘Diagnosis of causes of low birth rate and policy direction’ report “Establishing active policies to ease the housing burden is the first step.” There is a growing need for effective public education strengthening measures Opinions were presented that housing supply should be expanded and acquisition opportunities expanded, such as…

중국의 노골적인 한국 인재 사냥, 특허청 나서 기술 보호한다

중국의 노골적인 한국 인재 사냥, 특허청 나서 기술 보호한다

국정원 ‘방첩업무 규정 개정안’ 입법예고, 특허청도 방첩기관에 포함 “기술 유출 막아라”, 기술력 확보 위해 수단 방법 가리지 않는 중국 “인재들이 일하고 싶은 환경 만드는 것이 근본적 해결법”, 처우 개선 시급 특허청이 국익에 반하는 해외의 정보활동을 차단하는 방첩 업무를 수행할 전망이다. 최근 대내외적으로 반도체나 배터리 등 국가 핵심 산업기술을 둘러싼 유출 시도가 심각해진 데 따른 것이다….

지난해보다 16배 이상 늘어난 ‘1월 전국 분양 아파트’, 수도권 물량 절반 이상은 ‘정비사업’ 통해 공급

지난해보다 16배 이상 늘어난 ‘1월 전국 분양 아파트’, 수도권 물량 절반 이상은 ‘정비사업’ 통해 공급

이달 수도권 분양 절반, 도심 정비사업에서 나와 수도권 1.1만여 가구 중 6,000여 가구가 재건축·재개발 통해 공급 분양시장 흥행에 따라 전체 부동산 시장에 미치는 영향 엇갈릴 듯 1월 전국에서 분양 예정인 아파트 가구 수가 1년 전에 비해 16배 이상 늘었다. 특히 수도권에만 1만4천여 가구가 분양될 예정이며, 이 중 6천여 가구는 그간 분양시장에서 인기를 끌었던 재건축·재개발 등…

한은 총재의 경제 진단, “재정확대·저금리·부채확대로 성장하는 시대 끝나”

한은 총재의 경제 진단, “재정확대·저금리·부채확대로 성장하는 시대 끝나”

이 총재 “저성장 만든 구조적 문제에 대한 해결방안 찾아야” ‘대중국 수출에 의존하는 경제 구조, 저출산·고령화’ 등이 저성장 고착화 요인 효율성 떨어지는 공공·노동·금융 부문 구조개혁 통해 성장잠재력 높여야 이창용 한국은행 총재가 신년사를 통해 국내 경기와 물가, 금융 부문을 진단했다. 또 재정 확대와 저금리에 의존해 고성장을 도모하는 시대의 종말을 강조하며, 고령화와 저출산 등 한국 경제의 구조적인 문제들을…