
“Naver and Kakao are not safe zones either.” Is AI to blame for the IT industry restructuring?

“Naver and Kakao are not safe zones either.” Is AI to blame for the IT industry restructuring?

Businesses accumulating deficits, staff reductions leaving only the minimum number of employees a series of projects being discontinued as markets and companies stop growing “IT industry emphasizes non-face-to-face culture and hires more than necessary” The information and communications (IT) industry, led by Naver and Kakao, has begun a large-scale restructuring. This is because large-scale staff reductions…

Musk, who lost a large portion of Tesla shares through the acquisition of “If I don’t get 25% of the shares, I will turn it outside of the AI business”

Musk, who lost a large portion of Tesla shares through the acquisition of “If I don’t get 25% of the shares, I will turn it outside of the AI business”

“It’s inconvenient not to have a 25% stake” Elon Musk insists on the need to secure a stake After the Twitter acquisition battle, the stake decreased to 13%, and X is in ‘jeopardy’ Musk, who negotiates with AI as the future food source, reminds us of ‘Altman’s expulsion’ from the industry Elon Musk, CEO of…

Has ‘TIPS’, the startup staircase, collapsed? Last year’s unpaid support amount reduced by 20%

Has ‘TIPS’, the startup staircase, collapsed? Last year’s unpaid support amount reduced by 20%

Government delayed payment of TIPS subsidy last year: “We will reduce it by 20%” This year’s budget has actually been increased, but some are criticizing the lack of policy consistency. The venture industry is experiencing financial difficulties amid high interest rates. What will happen if government support is reduced? TIPS, a private sector-led technology startup…

“Reduced budget, narrowed scope”, upheaval in government venture R&D support, ‘confusion’ in the industry

“Reduced budget, narrowed scope”, upheaval in government venture R&D support, ‘confusion’ in the industry

R&D support budget for small and medium-sized enterprises decreased by 22.7%, and the areas of support were also reduced Budget focused on specific areas such as private sector leadership and strategic technology, venture industry in ’emergency’ mode Will healthy companies collapse and ‘zombie companies’ be born? Market concerns intensify A significant change in government venture…

‘Vision Pro’, its first ambitious product in 10 years, what market is Apple trying to target?

‘Vision Pro’, its first ambitious product in 10 years, what market is Apple trying to target?

Apple holds pre-orders for ‘Vision Pro’ in the US on the 19th of this month Despite Apple’s announcement that “games are not the main purpose”, ‘VR game companies’ are busy responding to the market Tim Cook: “Vision Pro is a private theater,” inevitably hitting the TV and movie theater industries As Apple prepares to launch…

With the advent of GPT Store, concerns spread over ‘AI becoming cheap’, will startup ‘Domino’ become a reality?

With the advent of GPT Store, concerns spread over ‘AI becoming cheap’, will startup ‘Domino’ become a reality?

The spread of AI chatbot marketplaces and the ‘future’ that GPT Store will change AI startup that can’t let go of tension, “virtually on the verge of extinction” GPT Store, which has accelerated the adoption of AI in daily life, some say, “The impact will be minimal” OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, introduced GPT Store,…

우주항공청 ‘파격 연봉’ 제시에도 지원 망설이는 전문인력들, “불투명한 정주여건 해결책 있어야”

우주항공청 ‘파격 연봉’ 제시에도 지원 망설이는 전문인력들, “불투명한 정주여건 해결책 있어야”

설립 가시화된 ‘사천 우주항공청’, 연구 분야는 물론 의료·교통·교육 인프라 부족 세종시도 ‘심심한 도시’로 불리는 상황, 정주여건 개선 계획부터 내놔야 여기에 정부 예산 추가투입 여부마저 ‘불투명’, 업계서도 회의적인 평가 쏟아져 우주항공청이 이르면 오는 5월 개청을 눈앞에 둔 가운데 전문인력 영입과 채용이 최대 과제로 떠오르고 있다. 다만 현장에선 기존 보수체계의 150%를 초과하는 연봉을 제시하는 등 정부의 파격적인…

Despite the Aerospace Administration’s ‘speed war’, the budget is ‘dropping’, and the space industry is ‘dead’ under the sound fiscal policy

Despite the Aerospace Administration’s ‘speed war’, the budget is ‘dropping’, and the space industry is ‘dead’ under the sound fiscal policy

Aerospace Administration opens at the end of May, recruiting talent ‘speed’ Work coordination issues between institutions ‘still persist’; there is room for conflict after the opening of the agency Can the space industry, which failed to avoid budget cuts, play its role? The National Space Control Tower, the Korea Aerospace Administration, will open in Sacheon,…

Will domestic battery equipment, which has soared thanks to ‘IRA investment’, be able to keep up with the ‘hot pursuit’ of Chinese products?

Will domestic battery equipment, which has soared thanks to ‘IRA investment’, be able to keep up with the ‘hot pursuit’ of Chinese products?

Battery companies increase investment in North America through US IRA, equipment industry booming Most companies’ performance is ‘green light’, expectations for this year’s performance are also high Chinese equipment is gaining ground rapidly, but if you fail to differentiate yourself, you will be pushed out It was confirmed that domestic battery equipment companies recorded remarkable…

Price competition with China and technology competition with Japan, K-battery is ‘heavy and heavy’

Price competition with China and technology competition with Japan, K-battery is ‘heavy and heavy’

LG Energy Solution under threat of No. 1 market share The growth rate of all three Korean battery companies is less than 40% “We must prepare for the transition period by developing next-generation batteries” Last year, the combined market share of the three domestic battery companies in the global electric vehicle battery market excluding China…

The VC ecosystem frozen by the ‘double whammy’ of investment contraction and poor management, will ‘impairment losses’ be a self-rescue measure?

The VC ecosystem frozen by the ‘double whammy’ of investment contraction and poor management, will ‘impairment losses’ be a self-rescue measure?

The government’s ‘operational status’ of the mother-of-fund fund that was used as a priming product for the VC industry Industry shaken by high interest rates, deepening economic uncertainty, and weakening investment sentiment The market is frozen in the harsh cold, ‘helpless’ due to investment budget cuts The Ministry of SMEs and Startups is significantly revising…

“AI in education must be used under clear guidelines”, discussions on edtech revitalization are on the rise

“AI in education must be used under clear guidelines”, discussions on edtech revitalization are on the rise

OECD “We must accept the ever-evolving characteristics of generative AI” Review whether to include AI utilization measures in the ‘Edutech Promotion Act’ “Education effectiveness of edtech has not been verified” pointed out As the field of use of generative artificial intelligence (AI), including Chat GTP, continues to expand, it was suggested that clear guidelines are…

With the scientific community’s ‘long-cherished wish’ of establishing a space agency, “what remains to be done is securing a Korean talent pool”

With the scientific community’s ‘long-cherished wish’ of establishing a space agency, “what remains to be done is securing a Korean talent pool”

Space Agency’s budget of 7,000 billion won, will the scientific community’s long-awaited wish come true? As the problem of manpower shortage becomes visible, the future of Korea’s space industry becomes more visible. Korea has finally reached the starting point, “We must not be impatient” The establishment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (hereinafter referred…

Is the R&D budget cut ‘researchers’ responsibility’? The government’s ‘original sin’ of overusing impunity policies

Is the R&D budget cut ‘researchers’ responsibility’? The government’s ‘original sin’ of overusing impunity policies

President Yong said, “R&D efficiency is a huge force that will make Korea leap forward.” While emphasizing the responsibility of researchers, the government’s responsibility is ‘never known’, a deep-rooted trap of ‘suppression’ “The frame of ‘follower of developed countries’ still persists, don’t think you’ll get lucky” President Yoon Seok-yeol emphasized the efficiency of the R&D…

The advertising industry, hit by Google’s cessation of cookie collection, is the true ‘cookieless’ era coming?

The advertising industry, hit by Google’s cessation of cookie collection, is the true ‘cookieless’ era coming?

Google announces suspension of cookie collection for some Chrome users, advertising industry protests ↑ Choice to protect personal information, other web browsers are already implementing it We need to prepare for ‘Post Cookie’, a change in marketing strategy is inevitable Google announced that it would completely stop collecting ‘cookies’, which have been criticized for infringing…

정부 R&D 예산 삭감에 ‘기업 R&D’도 위축, “연구비 줄이고 인력 채용에도 소극적”

정부 R&D 예산 삭감에 ‘기업 R&D’도 위축, “연구비 줄이고 인력 채용에도 소극적”

R&D 투자 지수 97.1, 채용 지수 93.3으로 전년보다 축소 기업들 “정부의 R&D 예산 삭감이 향후 연구활동에 부정적 영향 미쳐” 정부, 올해 국방기술 R&D 등 관련 지원은 늘리기로 올해 국내 주요 기업의 연구개발(R&D) 투자와 인력 채용이 전년 대비 모두 줄어들 것이라는 전망이 나왔다. 기계, 정보통신, 소재, 건설 등 전 산업 분야에서 대내외 경영환경이 이전보다 악화될 것을…

잠수함 설계도 대만 유출, ‘헛발질’ 이어가는 韓 보안 솔루션의 한계

잠수함 설계도 대만 유출, ‘헛발질’ 이어가는 韓 보안 솔루션의 한계

잠수함 설계도면 통째로 유출, 국가핵심기술도 보안 ‘취약’ 정보보안 인식 ‘저조’, “돈 버는 직무 아니니 취급도 안 좋아” 퇴직자 기밀 유출 심각한 수준, “보안실태 점검 필요해” 대우조선해양(현 한화오션)이 개발한 잠수함의 설계 도면이 대만에 통째로 유출돼 경찰이 수사에 나섰다. 해당 도면은 대만 정부의 첫 자체 잠수함 ‘하이쿤’ 개발에 사용된 것으로 알려졌다. 이에 기술 유출을 감행한 이들에 대한…

확률형 아이템 정보 공개 의무화, 전문가들 “자율 규제가 더 바람직하다”

확률형 아이템 정보 공개 의무화, 전문가들 “자율 규제가 더 바람직하다”

3월 22일부터 ‘게임산업진흥에 관한 법률 시행령’ 개정안 본격 시행 확률형 아이템 유형 및 확률정보 투명 공개가 주요 골자 법적규제보다는 자율규제가 더 실효성 높을 것이라는 지적 잇따라 오는 3월부터는 게임사들이 확률형 아이템에 대한 구체적인 확률 수치를 게임 이용자들이 알기 쉽게 공시해야 한다. 그러나 전문가들의 반응은 싸늘하기만 하다. 문화체육관광부의 이번 규제가 확률형 아이템 과소비를 막을 수 없을뿐더러,…

자율 경영이 ‘방만 경영’으로 변질된 카카오, 결국 창업주가 나선다

자율 경영이 ‘방만 경영’으로 변질된 카카오, 결국 창업주가 나선다

카카오 ‘CA협의체’ 개편, 김범수-정신아 공동의장 맡아 자율 경영→책임 경영으로의 전환, 카카오 계열사 중앙 통제 강화 전장에 나선 카카오 창업주와 은둔 중인 네이버 창업주, 두 회사 운명 갈릴까 일명 ‘은둔의 경영자’라고 불렸던 김범수 카카오 창업자이자 경영쇄신위원장이 경영 일선에 복귀한다. 경영진 사법리스크, 내부 비리 의혹 폭로 등으로 창사 이래 최대 위기를 맞닥뜨린 카카오가 그룹 쇄신을 위한 방안으로 ‘책임…

‘하이리스크-하이리턴’ R&D 지원 나선 정부, 정작 ‘역량 부족’ 문제는 ‘도외시’

‘하이리스크-하이리턴’ R&D 지원 나선 정부, 정작 ‘역량 부족’ 문제는 ‘도외시’

원천기술 확보 시도한다? ‘한국판 DARPA’ 띄운 정부 일각선 비판 의견도, “R&D 예산 삭감 반발 메꾸려는 심산 아니냐” 주사위는 던져졌다, 한계도전 R&D 프로젝트 진행 상황 지켜봐야 할 듯 정부가 실패 가능성은 높지만 성공하면 사회·경제적 파급효과가 매우 큰 ‘고위험-고수익형’ R&D(연구개발)를 본격 추진한다. 파괴적 혁신을 일으킬 만한 원천기술을 확보해 나가겠단 취지지만, 국내의 좁은 인재풀 문제를 해결하지 못한 상황에서…